When you try to find a roulette game online, you can find basically two variants on the internet. An American roulette and a roulette European. The basic rules of both the variants of roulette are same but however, there is a basic difference in the layout of roulette European and the American roulette. The American version has 38 pockets in total which includes a zero, whereas the European variant does not have a 0 pocket so it only has 37 pockets. The 0 pocket is usually colored green whereas the roulette wheel is then further divided into 18 black and 18 red pockets.
House edge
European Roulette has a significantly lesser house because it has lesser pockets than that of its American counterpart. The average house edge offered by a table of European roulette is 2.70% whereas in the American Roulette it is 5.26%. This means that a player has more chances of winning at the European version of Roulette than the American one. Having a house edge lesser than 50% is a significant number and that is the reason we recommend all our readers to try out their hands on European Roulette. Play best gambling games and get your pockets full!